Episode 10: #AppGoals
Dude, check it out! So in this gnarly podcast episode, Seth Whiting and Jake Pacheco are totally geeking out about Jake's coding journey, dude. They're all about project-based learning and Jake's been shredding it for 11 weeks, diving into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, bro. He's been rocking it with customizing tables using CSS and even using ChatGPT to find code snippets and troubleshoot. Super helpful, man!
Then they catch a wave talking about offering Jake's app for free. Seth drops some knowledge, suggesting Firebase's free tier or slapping some ads or sponsorships on it, you know, to keep it all going. They're thinking of starting small and gradually ramping up the app's features and makin' some dough, bro.
Next up, they're talking user authentication and keeping things secure. Seth's all like, "Dude, you gotta use a reliable authentication service like Firebase's user auth." Encryption is the name of the game, man, making sure nobody can snoop around in other users' data.
Now, Jake's got this rad idea to integrate chat GPT for animal info in the app. Seth totally vibes with it and confirms it's doable. They start brainstorming how to make it happen, like having a sick button that fetches and displays all the deets about those rad creatures.
Lastly, they're hanging loose and chatting about data storage. They drop some bytes and kilobytes knowledge, man, talking about how much space stuff takes up. They're stoked to set up Create React App and mess around with dummy data before firing up Firebase and adding some serious functionality to the app.
Dude, that's the lowdown on their epic convo. Super rad stuff, man!
Special thanks to Diarrhea Planet for our intro and outro music and @SkratchTopo for our artwork.
(Auto-Generated) Episode Transcript:
Seth Whiting: Hello everyone. I am Seth Whiting, and I'm a developer from Portland, Maine. And I've been coding for about 10 years now. And I'm Jacob
Jake Pacheco: Pacheco. I am a barber from Augusta, Maine, and I've been coding for about 11 weeks now.
Seth Whiting: Nice. Consistent. Consistent with last week it was trying 10 weeks, now it's 11. I'm trying right on track.
Jake Pacheco: I feel like I, I, I feel like sometimes I feel like I try harder you know, trying to remember how many weeks I've been doing it than actually doing it. No,
Seth Whiting: I,
Jake Pacheco: I, yeah. But I, but yeah, we're, we're just trying to get consistent all around here.
Seth Whiting: What have you been up to this week?
Jake Pacheco: I don't know. I've been trying to learn stuff with like tables In CSS and stuff, just like different styling stuff.
I just feel like it's something worth learning. And kind of going on off of what we were talking about last week where I was going to try to do more project-based learning and not projects given to me, but kind of try to run blindly into my own project. Mm-hmm. And that's been kind of interesting.
In some ways it's, it's, it's hard to have good ideas, especially when you don't know fully what's possible with it. Mm-hmm. With like mm-hmm. Programming in general. So like, it's, it's kind of tricky to like, you know, it's like If I were to like, compare it to mechanic work again, like I do sometimes it, it's, it's like introducing to someone what a car is and then being like, yeah, so customize it.
And it's like, yeah, what can I, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. So, so there's just quite a bit to it. Mm-hmm. But, so basically I've been kind of going at it like I, I guess exactly what I did recently was I was looking at tables cause I learned those existed, I guess. And then I wanted to learn how to adjust tables and make them bigger sizes, smaller sizes, different colors, make it so my mouse or my cursor when I go over it, it would change the color.
And the way that I kind of figured a lot of that stuff out is I actually ended up using Chad G B T for quite a bit of it. Just asking it like, How do I make a table? How do I, like, make it look a certain way that I want it to look like, have rounded edges or anything like that in each cell.
Mm-hmm. So I'd ask that it would come up with some code and explain what the code does, which is really convenient. And I would apply it to, to the the, the code in css, H T M L and and JavaScript, depending on what I was doing, mm-hmm. The JavaScript, I wanted to add a functionality where on startup of the page, like when I reload the page, I could wave over a certain cell that says play music.
And when I wave over it, it starts playing a song that I put on. Mm-hmm. And it took me a bit to figure that out. The first time Chappy, Chad, g p t actually gave me a code. It just straight up didn't work. So I was like, okay. I literally went back to chat G P T and I said, why didn't that work?
Seth Whiting: And
Jake Pacheco: cause I was quite sure that I put it in right and stuff.
So I ended up deleting it deleting the code that I put in my JavaScript for that. And tragedy, petite gave me another way of doing it. And when I did it that way, it all worked seamless. Why it didn't work the first time, why it did the second time, I don't know. I'm still not, you know, it, it, it could have been a thing where maybe I had a.
Part in like a, a part of code in the wrong area in my H T M L. Maybe it was in the body versus where I should have been in the head or something like that. I don't know, Uhhuh. That's kind of what I assumed I did wrong. Okay. But then again, I was like, well, why, why didn't it just gimme the easy way first?
But who knows? You know? Cuz the second time I did it, it, like I said, it worked great. So, yeah. Yeah, and then I was trying to just like throw curve balls at it. I was like, Hey, how do I make these look like they're melting and stuff like that. So it, it, it did not find a way to do that,
Seth Whiting: but, but still is your computer on fire?
Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. So you want to go to write in, get a lighter. But, but yeah, it's still kind of interesting to like see what, what chichi petit could kind of teach me with that stuff. And I feel like I could go in depth with it more if I come up with more stuff that I wanna do with it. But again, it's, it's.
Still a little bit of, you know, like I said, looking at a car and saying, yeah, you can build it however you want. It's like, well, I don't, I don't know what an engine does. You know what I mean? I don't know what this, you know, and, and, and I, I get what the different types of code Do you know, Uhhuh, the html, the css, and the, and the JavaScript.
But, you know, there's still quite a bit that like, I don't know all that it can do. I, you know. Right. I, I didn't know in order to make it. So if you want a cell to just be spinning constantly mm-hmm. Like, I, that was one thing. I was like, Hey, how do I make this cell spin when I click it or whatever. Mm-hmm.
Then like, you know, you do that all in CSS and stuff. So it's like, there's just some things that like, are, I'm still kind of figuring out what, what, what all CSS can do versus when do I actually need to incorporate JavaScript and
Seth Whiting: stuff like that. Sure. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's a cool way, cool way to learn that like, didn't exist when I was learning.
So like it's, and I think it's from what I've seen of it, it seems to be like a really good way to learn because like what you said was like, they have descriptions for all of this stuff that they're telling you. Yeah. You know, so it's, it's like, it's not just like, oh, okay, well here's some code, like it works, but I don't know what any of it actually does.
Yeah. So that's, that's pretty cool. And then, yes, like having something spin. You can do that via JavaScript, but the, for like a general rule of thumb, it's always I think preferable and like better performance wise to mm-hmm. Whatever you can do via c s s, you should do via C css. Yeah. Is
Jake Pacheco: that because it basically makes it more lightweight, because to operate CSS and H T M L, it's not such like a, a heavy thing for the computer to process?
Yeah. I
Seth Whiting: don't, I don't know completely. That's just kind of like always been the way that everybody is like suggested to do things. Yeah. And, and I, I, I'm like, I'm sure that there's like a really good reason behind it and like, my best guess I think is it, so certain things in c s s. And this is like the, the, the main reason why I like, am thinking this way is that for certain things in css, like I think it's like CSS animations you can opt into using the G P U, mm-hmm for those.
And that's like, it's like, makes it more performant and kind of like alleviates some of like the, the load that your page is taking on, on like on your computer. Because everything else is, I don't, I don't really know like where everything else is being run. Just like I, like if it's not the gpu, it's something else.
I'm sure. Yeah. It's probably CPU or something. Yeah. Yeah. It's probably CPU U. Yeah. Yeah, you probably know better than I do because you're more into like the hardware stuff. But yeah, so to offload that stuff onto the G P U is like better for, for performance, like I said. So I'm wondering if like, maybe it's better to do it on c s s because your JavaScript is by default run on the G P U or something like that and you don't wanna overload the G P U or something, or overload
Jake Pacheco: the CPU U or something.
CPU ucp. Yeah. Yeah. So, so yeah, that, that would make, that would make a bit more sense, I think, is if, if JavaScript uses like CPU U Power. Yeah. And again, there's people that know more than me, so I'm, I could be completely off this too, but like, but like if the JavaScript is running off of CPU power, whereas the CSS is running off of GPU power, if you have.
A separate graphics processor, then that would definitely be, be more beneficial because it would be like, okay, I'll handle all of the graphics and you handle all of the everything else. Yeah. But the, they'd kind of
Seth Whiting: handshake with each other. Maybe. The G P U thing that I'm talking about though is like a it's like an exception to the, to the role.
So like interesting. The CSS doesn't normally run on the G P U, it's just these like c CSS animations. Oh yeah. So it's probably just that they both run on the cpu, but CSS is like, takes a lot less of a toll on your, on your computer. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense.
Jake Pacheco: I would think that does still make sense because it's like, it's a graphical thing versus a
Seth Whiting: just processing
Jake Pacheco: thing.
Yeah. Yeah.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. Anyways, I mean this is all like speculation. So this is so much speculation.
Jake Pacheco: Seth and I have really gone off the rails here, but but yeah. But yeah, so that's pretty much, yeah.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. Oh, and one, one cool side note about tables, and it's not even a cool side note, it's actually pretty uncool, but it's, it's just like, maybe it's cool to you and it's cool to me.
Yeah. I just like to know like the, I guess I, I find like learning sort of like origins of things and like the history of things in, in software just in general. I find that interesting. Yeah. So if anybody else finds it interesting, tables were kind of like the original divs, like the, their tables were around before divs and now divs are everywhere.
And like people hardly use tables unless they're actually trying to represent something in a visual table type format. But before it used to be that everything needed to be in a table in like a grid. And if something didn't like, Fit inside that grid. You had to get like, creative with like, putting tables inside of tables and like splitting, splitting the grid into like sub grids and, and stuff.
And, and like you had to kind of get like wacky with it. And emails still work that way. Hmm. So ht m l emails, you still need to know a lot about tables when you're working with those, or at least you need to know how to work with tables. And you need to work with like a subset of CSS and a subset of H T M L.
Like the stuff that you can use on the browser will like I don't know about the majority, but a very large portion of what you can use in the browser you cannot use in emails. So you're, you're kind of limited to like, 1998 version of H T M L and c s s or something like that. I, I'm pulling that number outta my butt.
But like, you know, it's, it's like you're working, you're working the way that you used to have to work on, on like the browser, but just because all of like everybody's email like apps that they view it on can't Yeah. Interpret all of the, all of the stuff that your browser can, so, huh, interesting.
Yeah. I didn't know that. Huh? So tables are like important still. Yeah. But also at the same time, a little bit like outdated. Hmm.
Jake Pacheco: So I guess that's a question then that I have is are, because vivs are still. You know, touch and go with me. I'm not a hundred percent sure mm-hmm. On everything that they do and stuff.
But basically, so just from what you've said there and stuff, and my very limited understanding is a diviv essentially an extremely customizable, like customizable, movable table in a sense? No. Or is that not nearly correct? It's what, what
Seth Whiting: it's first, what would be your definition first? Correct. Ok. So a diviv, if a div is just a highly customizable I visible box that you can make visible Yeah.
You know, if you want so like, it's just a box and you can make it as, as like big or small as you want, and you can put as many of them on a page as you want. And they don't need to be in a grid necessarily. Yeah. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: So yeah, so that's kind of what I'm saying is like, it's like yeah, it's, it's, you're working on basically, So is it kind of like you're working on one cell of a table kind of a thing?
Seth Whiting: Almost in a way.
Jake Pacheco: I, I mean, I understand that like, like a table, no matter what is like a table, only because it's like gritted and it has multiple cells and stuff. Yeah. But I mean, just like, it's like you are breaking it down almost just so you can like really get into the nitty gritty of the one thing.
I mean, you
Seth Whiting: can, you can, because it's so customizable. You could think of the diviv as the table, and then you could put a hundred divs inside of that diviv and make those mm-hmm. The cells, you know, and you could, you could have, so if, so if you can picture this in your mind, you have a square that's your diviv.
Inside of that square, you have a rectangle that goes from one side of it to the other. So it's like a horizontal, like spanning Box. Rectangle. Yeah, it's a box. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Inside of the square. And then inside of that rectangle, you can have like three or four squares. And so that's basically like, you have the outer box is sort of like your table, and that rectangle is like the table row.
And then those squares are like the table cells. Yeah. You know, so you can kind of like finagle a table out of divs if you want to.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. And, but there wouldn't really be a huge point to
Seth Whiting: that. But you, well actually there, there are, do people do that scenarios? Yeah. So like, it's it's not uncommon that people will make tables out of divs just because you can.
And like it's a bit more free form, I guess. It's like a bit more loose. Yeah. Yeah, and you can, you can kind of like, like you can say like if the, if the screen goes from 1440 pixels wide down to like 360 pixels wide, you know, so at that point you're on like a, the original iPhone basically. So it's like the, the pixel density is like pretty, like not dense.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But anyway, so like if you get down to like really narrow screens, you can have all of, like, those, those table cells like stack on top of each other so that, you know, you make more use of the, the like, vertical part of the screen. Vertical space of it, huh. Yeah. And you could, you could theoretically do that with tables.
It would just be like quite a bit easier to work with if you were working with divs. So,
Jake Pacheco: so divs. On the whole are kind of, are a bit like easier to work in, in the sense of like being able to like, customize them and like do whatever you want with them.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. They're, they're a bit more, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would say so.
Jake Pacheco: Interesting. I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah, I did. Here I am learning about tables like a loon. No, I'm fine with it. I, I should know some things anyways about everything. I think.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. I mean, like I said, tables are, they still definitely serve a very good purpose and like they are the right tool for, you know, the job in, you know, several scenarios, you know?
Yeah. If, if you want a table, you want it to behave like a table and, and all of that, then use a table, you know? Yeah. Yeah. But if you, if you want to like, do fancy stuff with it, you know then use dibs, I guess. Yeah. All righty.
Jake Pacheco: Cool. Good to know. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, it was really interesting seeing in the code, the html, talking with the css, talking with the JavaScript also, like that was Yeah, pretty interesting.
I enjoyed that quite a bit, like just trying to figure it out and then having it click a little bit. I was like, that's, that's pretty neat. And being able to like, make all of my files and learn how to link in a song and stuff like that, Uhhuh was, was pretty sweet. I was like, Hey, I dunno how to do that.
Kinda, you know?
Seth Whiting: Right. It's something. And so that was like chat, G B t spit out like a whole like HTML file with like the, the style tag in there and the, and the. The script tag in
Jake Pacheco: there and all that. It didn't have the style tag or the script tag, and that's something I had to like figure out on my own.
Okay, gotcha. Was like adding those. But I had, I learned that on, it might have been you telling me about it. It, I think it was because then I, I just did like style and it was like style tag or whatever, like, it, it gave me an option on on what's it called? I, I'm always, I'm going to, I'm going to remember vs code at some point, but I'm not there yet.
But, but yeah, so it gave me the option for that. So I was like, oh, sweet. And then I remember like, JavaScript with script, so I was like, oh, script at the top and just added that to it. So yeah, it was, that was something that I remembered and I was like, Hey, something nice, you know what I
Seth Whiting: mean? And did you, so, and you remembered to like open the HTML file in your browser and then that's like, yeah.
Yeah. Cool. Yes. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. It's something, you know, like it's Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just like open the folder and go to the HTML thing and then click open with whatever. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah, so it was it was yay something. Thanks, man. But yeah on to a little bit about the app that I've been thinking of developing and stuff, and my second guesses and other stuff.
The, the Reptile app I've named Keeper so far, but we'll see. That's a cool
Seth Whiting: name.
Jake Pacheco: It's, it's, it's, that's what we're called is like keepers, like you know but in doing that, I obviously wanted to research to see how many other people have developed apps for it. And there are a few other apps that do it.
Kinda the way that I want to do it. Mm-hmm. And then there's one app that does it, like in God mode. Mm-hmm. That's like, it costs money. It's, but it's a very, like, well-developed app. Right. To the point where it has things that I didn't even think of where I was like, wow. Like they really went
Seth Whiting: ham on this.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. And it's like, you know monthly rate to use it and stuff like that, which isn't here nor there. It's, yeah. It makes sense. It's, it's a really
Seth Whiting: nice app. I,
Jake Pacheco: yeah. Yeah. But it does second, make me second guess a little bit on building my app. Mm-hmm. Mine would definitely be the one that I'm talking about is definitely more toward like breeders and stuff like that.
Like people that are like breeding reptiles, selling reptiles and stuff like that, and organizing mass collection. Mm-hmm. They have it also for smaller collections, but it's really put out there for professionals
Seth Whiting: in that stuff. Mm-hmm.
Jake Pacheco: I think that my app would much more be kind of like just someone like myself who wants just a bit more organization and, and a somewhere to put down things that happen in one of your animals' lives.
Seth Whiting: So
Jake Pacheco: you can track all of that. Mm-hmm. Because it's, you do have to track quite a few things. And right now, 99.999% of people are just using notebooks. Mm-hmm. So if you could come up with something that
Seth Whiting: was. As easy as a notebook, you
Jake Pacheco: know? Mm-hmm. Where you could just mark it down or whatever. Like that would be really ideal.
Yeah. And I think that that might just be, and, and I'd, I'd like to honestly make it a little bit more, I don't wanna say or a little bit less professional, honestly. Like, I don't want it to look like a doctor's app. I want it to look like mm-hmm. Like, just like something that's kind of fun, usable. Yeah.
And sim simple.
Seth Whiting: Approachable.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. Approachable. Yeah, exactly. And I was contemplating, maybe it would just be, you know, because it's my first project and stuff, I would just like release it to the world for free. Like, hey, mm-hmm. If you wanna use this, use it. Yeah. And then down the road, if I wanna do more with it, I can do more with it.
But I think that might be kind of something that might be useful. But I wanted to a, also actually ask you, I about, Like copyright infringement in this, because it obviously makes me think about that because it's like, well, like if there's an app with a lot of similar ideas or like a similar goal to what its purpose is, then is it, you know, like, is it copyright infringement to a, to a point?
You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, I, I just don't know how that works in, in like the programming world. Mm-hmm. I know that a lot of people are cool with you using like code and a bunch of other stuff, but like if I were to develop something that's very similar to what someone else has developed, like is it kosher or is it like, not, not cool, you know?
Seth Whiting: Yeah. So I'm, I'm not like a lawyer or legal expert or anything, but I've talked to several. Yeah. And from what I understand, it's not copyright infringement. If you. If you make something, like, if you make something and it's all your own code and you're not like stealing somebody else's, like actual like lines of code, mm-hmm.
Without their permission. Like all, all of the people who like make like JavaScript packages for people to use, they're, they're doing that under what's called the m i t license, which is open source. It's like anybody can use this and Yeah. If you want to, you know, use it in an app that makes money, go for it.
You know, if you wanna make it in, in a free app, that's, that's fine too. But unless there's some sort of like proprietary code in there, like some sort of like secret sauce that they're using mm-hmm. That's not just like a general, like, you know, like they do something in a certain way that that's like, Original to them.
Yeah. Like if, if there's something that's original to them and like they have actually taken the time to go out and like patent it and whatnot mm-hmm. Then at that point you, you wouldn't be able to like, do exactly what they're doing exactly the way that they're doing it and that particular part of their app.
Yeah. Everything else in the app, you know, is fair game. Yeah. Like, because you're not, you're not taking their code line for line, you're, you're writing your own code and Yeah. It just does the same thing that they do, you know? Yeah. Huh. So there's, there's no, there's nothing like wrong with that. Yeah. Like you could go out and make, you know, a copy of Reddit and have it do the same thing.
But the thing is, it's not gonna be Reddit because Reddit has like millions and millions of users on it, and you don't Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yours is gonna suck. Yeah. So, you know, so they don't care, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: I get that. So it's, it's more or less I like, you know, like I run a business and like, if, if someone else owns a barbershop right down the street,
Seth Whiting: it's whatever.
Yeah. It's competition.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. As long as they don't take my, like, symbol for it or like my, my logo or whatever, then it's like, okay, like everything else is like whatever. It's just so it's, it's just shit. Or Pardon? Part of the French, sorry, been a long day.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. Yeah, so if you're, if you're just making an application that does something similar to another application, that's, that's fine.
It's just competition. This is America. No. Yeah. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: All right, cool. Yeah, I was just curious about that. Like if that was like a, a thing that people run into. Yeah. Yeah. Sweet. So yeah, now, I guess is the long journey of not only figuring out what I want the application to do, but also like the how I want it to look, obviously, and the how to make it do what I want it to do.
The, the one, one bit of it, and I was thinking about it, is it's going to have a main calendar, like a calendar overall. Mm-hmm. That says like, they'll have basically a dropdown menu, and it's like, today these animals
Seth Whiting: ate, for instance.
Jake Pacheco: Mm-hmm. And. If one, and it'll, they'll all, all of the names of the animals will be automatically checked, but if one of 'em didn't eat, you could uncheck it.
So it goes on their schedule as it didn't eat. So if you click on your own, like single animal, not off the calendar, just off in its own separate thing that has like your information on the animal and stuff, then it'll have its own calendar on when it did and didn't
Seth Whiting: eat. You know what I mean?
Jake Pacheco: Stuff like that.
Like, it's, it's, it, it, I I feel like it's stuff that I could eventually learn and stuff. It, it seems a very approachable to me, but it's also like, you know, there's, there's like a bit of complexity in there, like where it's like, this calendar is talking to this calendar, or both of 'em are sharing some of the same
Seth Whiting: information and stuff like that.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. Yeah. So it's just figuring out how to do all that
Seth Whiting: stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm just thinking like the only way that you would be able to offer this for free is if you didn't have any sort of like cost associated with it, you know, because Yeah. Yeah. You're not gonna be paying for everybody's data out of your pocket.
Of course. Yeah, exactly. So the, so you would have to, at that point, make the version of it that only works on like one person's device, their phone, everything. Yeah. Yeah. Saved to their, their device. Yeah. Which, which is fine, you know, that's still, yeah, that's,
Jake Pacheco: that's kind of thing. Yeah. That's kind of what I assumed.
Cuz otherwise I'd have to be dealing with users
Seth Whiting: and user data and stuff like that and that's gonna Right.
Jake Pacheco: Make me have a server or something, or mm-hmm. Or whatever. But so I assumed that. At least the first iteration of it would be, or the free version or whatever would be just that it's just stores the information on your phone in, in a file and just like, yep.
Here's what it is. Yeah. But yeah, still it seems like a bit of a mountain to me in my head, you
Seth Whiting: know? Yeah, yeah. And trying to think of like, there, there are also limitations as far as like how much you can store in mm-hmm. On your like, device per like site and whatever. And also like, I, I think there are ways around this, but like the, the, the place that you would store it has like an expiration date on it, but I think you can like renew it every time you really?
Yeah. Every time you. Get on or something. Yeah, yeah. Or, or maybe not every time, but like every few times, like, you know, it checks like, is this about to expire? Okay. Then, you know, renew it. I'm, I'm just kind of like thinking through here some stuff. Yeah. But also, so the historical data might be kind of hard because Yeah.
At that point you're, you're storing a, like,
Jake Pacheco: like eventually what could
Seth Whiting: be years of data. Yeah. And it, if you, if you had it just be like, did they eat today or not? Mm-hmm. You could, you could probably store that like pretty easily up to like a, a week or like a month's worth. Yeah. And, and then kind of like you can just look back.
For a month, but you, you couldn't be like, okay, over the course of this reptile's life. Yeah, yeah. How did it do with like, eating and whatnot? Yeah. So that's sort of a, another thing to, to another hit. So,
Jake Pacheco: so is that something you'd just basically be needing a server at that point or something? Yeah. To store this data?
Seth Whiting: would say so. I, so there's, there's something called, I am blanking on it right now. SQL Light, which is a database that you can use. I think you can even use it like on the front end. So, because you're just storing stuff into a file in the form of sql. Yes. And that, that's, you know, like the, the file type that you would use for, for a database So I, I would need to look more into that.
But even, even that, like, it, it's not taking up less space or anything, it's just Yeah. In, in a place that's like a bit more like robust, like more more like a better use case and like a better form of storage mm-hmm. At that point. So I would need to, I would need to look into that. Yeah. I guess,
Jake Pacheco: I guess it's gonna be a weird like way of thinking about it, but there's like,
there's like period trackers.
Seth Whiting: Right. Yeah. Yeah. That people use. Yeah. So
Jake Pacheco: in my mind I'm like, well, they can like, go far pretty far back and like see how they've been like over the last few years. And I, I would be kind of surprised if those have an actual like, you know, like server set up for them. They might, I think
Seth Whiting: they probably do.
Jake Pacheco: I mean even the free ones, like, just cuz like, how are they making it free? Maybe
Seth Whiting: ads or something. Well, I mean, so on like Apple has their own mm-hmm. And that one, you know, they, you, you don't need to pay for because you pay for so much other stuff with Apple. But yeah. But yeah, I don't know.
The, also, like the Firebase, like free tier is mm-hmm. Pretty extensive. So maybe Maybe that's a route that we could take and like it, you probably would like pretty much never hit that if you're just working on like the, the, especially if you're just doing it just for you, you could still have the Yeah, of course.
The, the database and all that, like backend infrastructure kind of stuff set up just for you. And then you would never need to worry about, you know, running outta space or anything like that. Huh.
Jake Pacheco: Now how, how much, like, what does that include in general? Like like if I did want to have other people on it or whatever, like
Seth Whiting: Yeah, it's I, I would need to go to like their pricing page.
Yeah. But like, you could definitely use it for like a while without, without getting, you know, like into charge, the paid version. But eventually you would, you know Yeah. Like eventually with like the, the right number of people or like the right length of time Yeah. You know, of people's data being stored for, for so long and them accu.
Yeah. Accumulating. Accumulating, yeah. Yeah. Like even small amounts of data will build up, you know, an amount to something exponential over time. Exponential, yeah. So, you know, you can cross that bridge when you get to it, but at some point, yes, you would need to. Maybe do like ads or do like you know, some sort of like small paid plan or something like that.
Yeah. Which,
Jake Pacheco: which I'd, I'd be absolutely fine with doing like, some kind of ad thing. Just, just in the sense of like, I know a few people that are that own rep house stores or mm-hmm. Like one of
Seth Whiting: my favorite Yeah. You can do like sponsors sponsor, yeah, exactly. Sponsorship
Jake Pacheco: kind of ads. Yeah. Yeah. Which I, which I'd be, I'd be cool with running, like things like that cuz I have like one friend that makes like, he makes reptile terrariums like the, the, the way that they do it in like the UK and in Europe mm-hmm.
Which are far superior to what we do in America. Mm-hmm. And they're, yeah. So it, it would be, it would be cool if I could like get him on it and be like, yeah, like, Just pay me whatever, pay for my storage, you know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. And, and yeah. And people will see you on here. Mm-hmm. But yeah, there's so many, like I'd be fine with working with anyone in the reptile industry with that, like, cuz it'd be, I'd be fine with having it sponsored by any of them.
They're, they're all pretty cool people for the most part. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Cool. So that's an option, I guess. And yeah, like you said, that'd be a cool way to start it anyways. Just to be like, then I can actually build a somewhat of a
Seth Whiting: backend too, which would be mm-hmm. Kind of
Jake Pacheco: interesting. Yeah.
Right. Because I would take care of like the backend, maybe even user data, like user, actual user data and stuff. So, yeah. Yeah.
Seth Whiting: That would be, that'd be wicked. Cool. Yeah. So another cool thing with Firebase is that they have like a solution for user auth, which is awesome. It's so it's short for user authentication and authorization, which just means.
Signing up and signing in to mm-hmm. To apps. And that is like a particularly difficult challenge for any application. And they make it like generally pretty easy to, to do. And that's definitely something that you want to, like, take advantage of with them or some other authorization service and, and authentication service.
Because you don't, you don't wanna be writing that yourself if you don't know exactly what you're doing, because that's like crucial, you know? Yeah. Security stuff.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. We're talking about like encryption and stuff like that, right? Like
Seth Whiting: making sure that
Jake Pacheco: people Yeah. Can't go on other people's
Seth Whiting: stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So they have interesting, and they, they have they have. Single sign on, built in. Mm-hmm. Which if, if you don't know, or if anybody doesn't know, that's like when you have like a button that says like, sign, sign in with Google, or sign in with Facebook, or Oh, they have that.
Yeah. So that's cool. They have like several different options for you to choose from and, and and they work well. So that's cool. Yeah. So definitely if you, if you are having people, other people other than yourself come onto this thing, you should. And, and basically if you have other people come onto this thing and you're already using Firebase, you should definitely use their firebase like authentication service.
Jake Pacheco: I assume it costs money and stuff too.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. Nope. That's free.
Jake Pacheco: Sweet. Yeah. Yeah. I mean this, this all seems great. Yes. Yeah.
Seth Whiting: Nice. It's great.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah, and yeah, I mean, I, I was gonna say it sorry scatterbrained, I was thinking about, like, I, I was thinking about like that does it have like options to like remove users and stuff?
But then I was like, well, it, how would they even abuse it? You know what I mean? Like, I mean, I guess that they could by like flooding it with too much data or something like that. But like that uhhuh seems kinda unlikely, especially in the circumstances of which I'd be, you know, releasing it and
Seth Whiting: stuff. So, yeah.
I mean, if, if you ever did come into that, like, yes, they, they do allow you to remove users, but you, you would need to like write the code for that, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Which is not hard. It's, it's, it's just as easy as. Allowing someone on your app, you know? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Cool.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah, I, I guess yeah, and then I was curious about like, you know, we, we throw the word database around a lot, but like, I was trying to think of like, it, it would be really convenient if it, basically, if I started typing an animal mm-hmm.
And the animal would come up and it would have the information already put in for that animal as far as like what, you know, even if it was like from a Wikipedia or something like that, like it'd be kind of convenient with like a stock photo, or you could change the photo to something else of your own.
Like, that would be kind of like convenient just to have like some information about it. And I was thinking about it,
Seth Whiting: and it might even be a use,
Jake Pacheco: I mean, it would be an incredible use for,
Seth Whiting: For chat G P T honestly, because it's, it's,
Jake Pacheco: it would be nice if I could be like, you know, Sinnia Madagascar, which is a madagascan tree, boa uhhuh.
It's one of my dream snakes. And if I could like type that in and then it would call to chat G p t and be like, what are the enclosure parameters for this animal? Like what does it eat? All of that stuff. And then it automatically pulls it and puts it on your, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Like, it'd be, it would be kind of nice for like, just to be like enclosure info and you click it and it sends that out and is like asset to pull up that and then text it in your site.
Like that would be pretty incredible because I tested it on a few different animals. Just from my own knowledge, like ball pythons, bearded dragons ACU monitors, things like that. Uhhuh animals that I have and I've researched quite a bit, but in order to know how to take care of them properly and it's nail on the head with everything.
Yeah, with them, which is like, I can't tell you how like impressive that is because it's, it's information that isn't usually like super readily available. You have to find someone's blog mm-hmm. That has written, that we know has like studied this thing. Like to a point or find a video who, of someone, like there's this guy Dave Kaufman, shout out to his videos.
They're incredible. They, he literally goes to the places these animals are from. Cool. He takes hi like he takes his hydrometer out there, like takes moisture readings and temperature readings on where they're actually basking, finds the animals, finds out where they're basking, finds out where they're living, what the humidity is on all of those things.
Yeah. So, and again, like I said, like when I typed in these things,
Seth Whiting: like Chachi PT was like nail on the head with all
Jake Pacheco: of it. Right, right. Yeah. So I was like, well that would be really cool if you could connect something like that. Something that powerful, that would like just nose
Seth Whiting: it instantly.
Jake Pacheco: And have it linked to it kind of a thing.
You know what I mean? But I wasn't sure if that was a thing.
Seth Whiting: Yeah, and I mean, why not? For sure. Like if, if you can type it into the, like the actual chat gpt thing, like if you go to, what is it? Open ai dot slash chat or chat ai com, whatever. It's, yeah, if you can type it there, you can type it in your own app.
Like that's, that's what the API like does. So but yeah, I, I am wondering about maybe you would just give it like, cuz you, you wouldn't want people just typing in like, how do I bake cookies into your app? No.
Jake Pacheco: You know, probably what it would be is something like, and this is me trying to understand programming real quick, but it would be like a button.
On like your animal's, like whatever, like Yeah. Your single animal's page. Mm-hmm. And you will have already put in ball python and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. And then maybe it's like enclosure info. And when you click that, it would send, like attach the name of the animal or like the type of the animal.
Yeah. Yeah. And, and it would add the string like this, and it would bring it and send it to chat gt, and it would bring you maybe to even another page that pulls up the information for the enclosures or whatever. Well, I think is what I was thinking, but I don't know if it,
Seth Whiting: if it could be easier, could do it without going to a different page.
Unless it is like, unless it is your own page. I, I'm not sure if that's what you meant, but but yes. So yeah, that's, that, that would be great. You know, that's a great way to do it. Mm-hmm.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah, I was just, I, I'm trying to think on the lines of, wait, you, you look like you had an
Seth Whiting: idea. What is it? Well, so one thing that I need to like, amend from the previous episode, I said that it was 6 cents per a thousand requests.
Mm-hmm. But apparently it's a thousand tokens, which I thought was a request. Mm-hmm. But apparently token, A token is the equivalent of like a word that you type in. Huh. That's like significantly more expensive than I was thinking. Like, yeah. Interesting. Quite a bit. Yeah. So just, just, you know, disclaimer out there, I was wrong in the last episode, but so I, it's, it's still not, it's still not like crazy expensive.
Mm-hmm. Especially if you're just doing the kind of thing that you're talking about. Like just passing it like a sentence and not like feeding it like articles to like a bunch summarize or everything. Yeah, I think yeah, I think that would be, it would still be like pretty cheap.
Jake Pacheco: Would it consider, consider it a token output and input, you know what I mean?
I don't know. I don't know. Whatever chat types. Anyway, I, yeah. Another thought I had on that would be, I, I could have in the server, in the backend have it, so I have my own database that's being constantly updated. So when someone searches a ball python, then I already have that and it saves it in my own.
Like storage. And then it will, then when someone else searches Paul Python and says, enclosure, then it would go, is this available in the database yet? No. Then send it to chat GT and get the information. That way it's a bit cheaper.
Seth Whiting: That's that's exactly right. And it's like pretty impressive to hear you say that.
Like that's, you're your like, understanding of like how things work is like very impressive. So, good job. I'm, I'm
Jake Pacheco: making a goofy smile because I'm stoked to hear him say that. And now I'm read but no, that's cool. Yeah, I'm just trying to think of like efficient ways to use it because like, even when you were saying like the storage stuff, I was like, well, I don't know cuz I don't know how much storage text takes.
I, I, you know, like, you don't think of like a text file is taking a ton of storage. So I'm like, well, like. Could you save a calendar in a
Seth Whiting: text form after it after,
Jake Pacheco: because it doesn't need to be edited anymore. If it's in the past,
Seth Whiting: it could just be saved as just text. And would that be cheaper as far as data goes?
You know what I mean? So plain text, a character of plain text is a bite. Okay. It's eight. Eight bits. Eight. Yeah. And it's a bite. Okay. So if you, if so, if you're thinking about binary, it's eight, either ones or zeros. Mm-hmm. And that's like every letter has a binary, like signature, like a, a toad, you know, like, yeah.
So so one bite, if you have a thousand of those, you've got a megabyte. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Yep. And then a thousand of a thousand megabytes is a gigabyte, and a thousand gigabytes is a terabyte.
Jake Pacheco: It goes into terabyte, and then eventually there's a zettabyte somewhere in there. But that's like outrageous.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. So if you're, if you're trying to think about like, how much am I storing? It's like how many Yeah. How many characters do you have? Yeah. Times, you know? Yeah. Like, and, and just like, think of each character as a bite. Hmm. So interesting. Like a a thousand, you know, a a thousand sorry, did I say a thousand bytes is a megabyte.
I was totally wrong. That's a kilobyte. Kilobyte. And then it goes mega and then it goes megabyte, and then it goes, yeah. Yeah. So we're working on it. If you're thinking about code, like files of code, you're usually talking in terms of kilobytes. Like Yeah, every, every like file that you're working with is like a few kilobytes.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. Okay. So it's not like mass amounts of storage, it's just like, yeah. Yeah. And until it like starts to add up. But yeah, I guess I was just thinking about that like, because in the calendar format, would it change anything or would that just, would all of the information be saved in that database that is then applied to the calendar?
When you go back in time or whatever? You know what I mean? So like, it doesn't really matter. The, the calendar. The calendar is its own application and then it's just pulling information that's already been put in.
Seth Whiting: Right. So the, the calendar itself would be all of like your, your markup, like the HTML and CSS and, and JavaScript.
That's all on the front end. Yeah. And you're not storing any of that stuff. Yeah. That's just like the code that you're serving to like the browser. Interesting. Yeah. So, and then you're just plugging in the little gaps that you leave in, in the htm L and css. Yeah. With the data from the database.
Yeah. That's, that's
Jake Pacheco: interesting cuz it's like,
cuz I guess I, I, I'm not sure how, how it saves it in a database that, to. Bring it up in the H T M L on a certain date, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like, that's, that's, that's, I, I, I, I guess, is that just all saved in the database? That it's like, it's just puts it all in there, like, it's like, oh, and this happened at this time and stuff.
Seth Whiting: You'd have like a table po like feedings or something like that. Mm-hmm. And each feeding would have a reptile associated it, associated with it by an id. So each, each reptile would have an id. Yeah. And then each feeding would have like reptile ID is, you know, yeah. Five or X five, 12, blah, blah, blah. Like the characters either way.
Yeah. In firebase they, they usually use the, like the string IDs. Mm-hmm. Just like random randomized characters. Yeah. And. Each feeding would also have like a time associated with it. And that could be a date. Mm-hmm. Or it could be like, morning, okay. Date, you know and then, you could say like it, it, it would probably be so if, if you had it as like a date, like a date.
When you're talking about dates in JavaScript, they usually have all the way down to like the millisecond. So it's like, you know, what's today, March 24th, 10:09 PM and 52 seconds and yeah. Whatever. Milliseconds. Yes. That's, that's your date. And JavaScript. So if you had like a, a date associated with the feeding, Then you could parse out in your code, like, okay, this is after noon.
So that would be, yeah. Night technically. Yeah. Before noon. That would be morning technically. Yeah. If, if you, if you mark it as like, I fed this reptile at this time, then it would know like, okay, the night feeding has been, you know, like the night feeding like requirement has been fulfilled because, you know, yeah.
It's, it's there. And if you wanna just show that on on a calendar, like an actual calendar view, it, it would be like, okay, at 10 0 9, there's like a little line on the calendar that says like, I fed, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jake Pacheco: I, I, yeah. I, I, so, I, I guess where, where I'm like, A bit confused is like, on the calendar, is the calendar like built up?
It's built up out of a, like you said, like probably a, a table in H T M L and CSS mostly, right? Mm-hmm. So I guess how does that speak to JavaScript to bring up the date? You know what I mean? Yes. Like it depends. So it's like on the 5th of February I fed this animal at night, like mm-hmm. It's going to save that in the database, and then when I click back on the back button on my on my calendar mm-hmm.
It's there. Like how does that, how does that talk to each other, I guess,
Seth Whiting: you know? So it would be like I'm saying the, the API communications, so like Okay. You would say like, fetch all feedings from this week? Yeah. Just under
Jake Pacheco: this, just as an example under this animal name or whatever. Yeah, sure. Okay.
Alright. Yeah, that makes, that makes more
Seth Whiting: sense. Yeah. And then you have all that data available to you and you know, you can. Like page through the days if you want, of that week. And, you know, just display the, the data for each day, you know, on, in the correct place on your page. Hmm.
Jake Pacheco: Interesting. Yeah, man, there's, there's just like a lot of different like, functionality that I could see using that with like, yeah, not, not, not just like dates for feedings, but like, there's a lot of other things that like, have dates.
Like, you know, like we we bred our, some of our animals this last year. And and you have to be very precise about some things. Like, you know, when, when the eggs were laid, When they were put into the incubator and at what temperature and stuff like that. And then like, you have to have like kind of a countdown.
Say it's like 52 days. So at like, they, like 45 to 48, you're keeping an eye on it to check like, like maybe have like a small alert that's just like, Hey, you should check your incubator. It's been 52 days and stuff like that. There's things like that that like, that just, you know, it would help you keep track of and stuff, you know?
Seth Whiting: So yeah. Yeah. The thing about like alerts though is, is like another iss that's another whole thing where you, there, there are several options for that kind of thing. Yeah. Trying to think if any of them would be re so I guess like push notifications on your phone. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Like those, I think.
Are free via Firebase, like, believe it or not. Yeah. Firebase has a push notification service that you can use. Of course they do. Sounds like they have a lot of stuff. Yeah, I think it's free. Yeah. The only thing is that's for mobile applications. Yeah. Right now. Yeah. So not to get too ahead of ourselves, but there, there is a thing called a progressive web app.
Mm-hmm. Which is not a lot of people even like, know about them still. Mm-hmm. But a lot of websites like developers know about them. So like mm-hmm. Like I, I'm privy to like this kind of stuff, but. There are sites that you can visit on your phone where you can then essentially download a website onto your phone's home screen as an application.
So if you go to like the mobile version of Instagram, I'm pretty sure is a progressive web app, and I think maybe the mobile version of Twitter. But basically you can, you can like go to, like if you're on an iPhone, you go to like the share. Settings, I think, and then just, and then it says like, save to my home screen or something like that.
Mm-hmm. I, I'm, I'm sure I'm, I I've, I've seen
Jake Pacheco: it. I know what you're talking about. Yeah.
Seth Whiting: Yeah. So when you do that, then you have like an icon on your home screen that's like the, the Twitter logo where it looks like the Twitter app, you know? Yeah. Yeah. But it's not, it's, it's their website and Yeah. And what they, what they do there is like, they, you actually download a stripped down version of a web browser.
So if you're on iPhone, you're, you're downloading a stripped down version of Safari that can only access that one site, basically. Yeah. And with progressive web apps on Android, you've been able to do it for a long time where you can actually get push notifications to your Progressive web app, huh. On iOS for some reason, even though like iOS came out with progressive web apps first they haven't implemented push notifications yet, but I, I'm pretty sure, like I just saw something where like they just announced that it's coming soon, finally.
So yeah. It might become more of a thing. And that, that is like, honestly, like I, I had looked into making progressive web apps before, but I was like, if iOS can't do everything Yeah. Then like it's not worth it because like Yeah. It's like least lot the, at least 50% of your like user base Yeah. Is easily Yeah.
Getting like the, as good of a, an experience. Yeah. So so, but with that coming. You could potentially, if you wanted to build a progressive web app that like all intents and purposes is a mobile application, you know, but you only have to write the, the code base once and it will run on your desktop, it will run on your phone and that's crazy.
And you can actually download it on your phone, like yeah, just like an application. So that's cool. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah, cuz I know that you, you had said that JavaScript can run on a web website, a Android and a iOS. So I wasn't sure how that worked, but I assume
Seth Whiting: the difference there though is like when I was saying that before, I was talking about like react native an act.
Yeah. And you're at that point you're working with like an actual native application, which means that like, you download it from the app store, Okay. Yeah. Yeah. With progressive web apps, you don't, you, you visit, you don't have to it's site there on your, on your mobile browser, and then you just say like, save this as an application, you know, from your browser.
Yeah. So it's, it's a bit different. And it's, it doesn't have all of the capabilities that like a, a native application would Oh, output. Yeah. You're not going to be able to like, access your video camera or anything, I don't think. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to. Mm-hmm. At
Jake Pacheco: least. But could you pull fi could you pull could you pull camera files?
Like if the person wanted to, to like add a picture? You probably could, right? I
Seth Whiting: think so. Cause you, yeah. Cause can do that in the browser.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah, exactly. So I would assume you could,
Seth Whiting: Yeah. So I think like anything that you can do in, in like the mobile version of a website right now. Yeah, I think you can do on a progressive web app, so, Hmm.
Jake Pacheco: Huh. So that's, that's probably, I mean, that, that might be just the way that I do that. I mean, and, you know, so, so sorry to all the Mac users and iOS users, but I'm a Android PC guy and
Seth Whiting: no, no. I want guys to be included too, but PC Master Race Line. Yeah. PC
Jake Pacheco: Master Race and Android Master Race. Android for Life, bro. No, I had an iPhone once. It was the iPhone, 3G and Nice. Then I found out about Android, but, but yeah. That's cool that they have that and stuff. I, and that, that might be coming to iOS.
That'd be, that'd be, I mean, I. Much easier for me to just do that. Is there, I I, I guess I'm curious what is, how much more effort is made into making it like with React native and stuff, you know what I mean? Like how much, how much more effort is that to make it so it's Yeah.
Seth Whiting: Usable on those? Well, for one thing, I think I could be, I could be wrong on this, but in order to develop an iOS application at all.
Mm-hmm. It definitely used to be the case that you needed to be, you needed to do that on a Mac. Like you weren't even allowed to do that on a pc. Although, unless you can like run Mac OS on your pc, like I, I
Jake Pacheco: don't think you can, I don't think that that's, like, I, I, I looked back, I looked into it a while ago about like side loading it.
Yeah. Cause I'd side loaded Linux and I was like, oh, it'd be cool to run like Mac stuff on it too. But Mac, they're, they're pretty strict with their the way that their hardware talks to their software. I
Seth Whiting: remember somebody in Nashville putting together what he called a hack osh, which is just, yeah.
A PC that ran Mac os on ran Mac Os. Yeah. But it's probably like, really hard to do or something.
Jake Pacheco: Or like, and it would, it, it would probably have to be a really old version or something cuz like, maybe, like I, the, the Mac's pretty pretty protective about their stuff and Yeah. Yeah. I mean, at that point I just find some cheap MacBook and just do my thing or whatever, but Yeah.
Yeah. Can you develop a, a Android app on a on a MacBook?
Seth Whiting: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: Huh? Yeah, so Android lets you do that, huh? That's fun. Yeah.
You're giving me too much ammo, Seth.
Seth Whiting: But yeah, so as far as like, so React native versus React is, it's not necessarily any harder. There's just sort of like more stuff that can go wrong and does go wrong. Yeah. Like, it's sort of like a headache, but like the end product is, is cool. You know, like you, you have like a, a mobile application that's like a native mobile application that can run on iOS and Android.
So like, it's, it's pretty cool to be able to do that. And, you know, building. Like apps as opposed to websites is, is like pretty cool. Yeah. And like fun and stuff. But there's definitely like a lot of stuff with like, like you, you run into this a bit with React and just like web development where mm-hmm.
Everything is like changing so quickly all the time where like packages that you're using and you, you do always end up using like a good like dozen to like two dozen packages in your, in your project. Historically for me that's been the case that are just like useful things that people have put out there for you to use.
So like why not use them? And I, I have somebody that I'm working with right now who's like, answer to everything is like, oh, we just added this new package thing. You know? It's like, yeah. Like, or you could just build it, you know, like that's Yeah. But anyway, the job, the, but but with the like web stuff, it, it doesn't necessarily like break everything very often.
Yeah. But with the mobile stuff, like when, when you're like updating all of these packages, you need to kind of like the, the package makers need to cover all their bases with, like making sure that it works with the latest version of like everything else. And Yeah. That it works well on both iOS and Android, which often, yeah.
Like, like I have run into the, the scenario in which like, Everything works great on iOS, but Android, like, it's like a non-starter because this one package won't work and then won't adapt to that, but we'll adapt to this. Right. And then I find like a different, like package that will work on Android but not iOS and it's like pain in the butt.
Yeah. It was like, I, I actually struggled with that for like a month straight. Oh, geez.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. Just trying to find a package that works on
Seth Whiting: both kind of things. Yeah. Or, or like trying to like finagle other packages to work with this package that like, I really needed, and I, I'm trying to remember like what the package was, but it, it was like really?
Oh, it was Google ads. But like, A certain type of Google ads that will like show up in like your feed as like they, you can customize them to look like a, a post in, like a, a social media feed. Mm-hmm. So I was making like a social media application and we had like a certain way that all of our posts looked.
So we wanted to make like ads that looked like those, so that it wasn't like a jarring experience, like scrolling through and seeing an ad that was like, came outta left field. Yeah. This is like, you know, like this is ugly and whatnot. Yeah. So I found like this awesome package and it, but it didn't work with like Google Analytics, which is also very important to know like who's using your, your application, you know, like, and where are they coming from and what are they, what like hardware are they using and, and all of that kind of stuff.
Mm-hmm. And so like I got a version working on. Android, but not iOS, working with both of those packages. And then, yeah, I had to like downgrade some packages and stuff and it finally worked on, on iOS, but then I discovered that it wasn't working on Android anymore and it's like, oh my God, that sucks.
Yeah, yeah.
Jake Pacheco: Yeah. Another thought I had was, what if you kept it as just a webpage, you scrap the idea of push notifications, because I'm assuming that someone would look at this application, like, login, look at this application. Like once a week, once every other week or whatever. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And made it, so the calendar just has kind of like a timer on like, so when I said like, okay, so the eggs were late at this time mm-hmm.
On this day, and I want to set the timer for 52 days, Uhhuh, then if it just notified you in your calendar,
Seth Whiting: so. Like, but it doesn't, you don't like literally just pops up, see it until you open the application or open Yeah. Yeah. The, the website. Okay. Yeah, that's totally free and like totally easy. Yeah, totally.
You know, that's
Jake Pacheco: what I was thinking. Yeah. Yeah. That would be a free way to do it. I think it, it would just be like, yeah, no, just like counts down and then like, at like day 52, it's gonna say on your calendar, Hey, you're at day 52, or you're at day 48 and Yeah. You know?
Seth Whiting: Yeah. Yeah. The, the only thing is like, if it, if you need it to notify you when you're not looking at the app, then that's sort of like a different discussion.
But if you're in the app, you can do whatever you want.
Jake Pacheco: Well, that's what I mean, like rep reptile owners are pretty fastidious people. Uhhuh as far as like keeping track, especially if you have eggs in an incubator, you're pretty ooc d about it. But it's also a thing where you're like, okay, when, when were they laid?
You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. So maybe you'll scroll down back in pictures and like be like, okay, they were late this time. You know what I mean? Yeah. So yeah, I was just thinking that might be a, a good way to, you know, facilitate that without having to be, I know with me anyways, like I shut off all my push notifications, all my notifications pretty much I shut off just cuz like it Yeah.
I don't know bugs me, unless I'm looking at the app, I don't really care. Right. You know what I mean? Yeah. But that's just me. So yeah, I guess that would be a workaround That would be like pre and somewhat easy I'd assume. Kind of like Yeah.
Seth Whiting: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I would say so. Yeah.
Jake Pacheco: And then I could also eventually add when once Mac and Apple, like, you know, get it together and, and set
Seth Whiting: up their push notification thing off of Yeah.
Yeah. You can totally add that in. Then whenever, then I can just decide it after. And that's the thing with like progressive web applications is, is like, Progressively enhancing your application, you know, with like, you know, more features and whatnot. More do dads, yeah, yeah. So like concrete, like next steps for your project.
Like what, what would be like the most useful feature of this whole thing out of all of them? If it just did one thing, like what do you think would be the most useful thing?
Jake Pacheco: So I would think that one of the more useful things, or the first thing that I'd like to see would be, I mean, we might even be able to just skip the sign on screen and stuff like that, because that's gonna be backend stuff anyways.
So a page that I could add multiple animals to, and then click an animal and then have a little about. The animal maybe even a picture if I could make it so it adds a picture to it, like when I myself add a picture and have it so the user can add a picture. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think, I guess
Seth Whiting: would be, yeah.
I think let's the, the best way probably to do all of that is just to get started with firebase straight off, you know, like straight away. Yeah. But that's, yeah, that's a great, great first like step and that's Yeah. Very applicable to, you know, a lot of applications. Like, that's a very, like, common thing to see is like a, a table with like general information and then you click through mm-hmm.
For like more specific information, right? Yeah. So
Are you thinking? So like, I guess my, my other question as far as like to actually get started on this, you could do it without React. Yeah. But you could do it with, with React if you wanted
Jake Pacheco: to. I, I'd, I'd rather do it with, cuz it's something that I wanna learn. Yeah. Yeah, so, and it's something that I need to learn.
So I'd, I'd rather do it with, and then I can also start to wrap my head around like exactly what a framework does for me and stuff like that. So, yeah. I'd rather do
Seth Whiting: it with, I think so I would say if you're to, to make things simpler, don't use Next yet. Okay. I would say use something called Create React app.
Okay. That's just like the, it's a boilerplate, kind of like react set up. That it is just front end. There's no like backend Okay. Aspect to it. And it will do definitely everything that you needed from next. Yeah. But it won't do as much as next does. But you don't need it to yet. Yeah. Okay. You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, yeah. And I think, I think it'll be a bit more like straightforward. Yeah. Okay,
Jake Pacheco: cool. So I'll get that. Is it like a download or something
Seth Whiting: or is it like Yeah, if you just go to if you just Google create React app, it'll, it'll definitely be the first thing and it'll, yeah. And I think you just need to like run a command line.
Command. Mm-hmm. Like Termin command. Yeah. To get like like probably like NPM install. Yeah. Global Create React app or something like that. And then you, yeah. Yeah. It from your command line, it, it'll, you know, have a whole like, getting started page, I'm sure. Okay, cool. Yeah. Try that out. You know, so yeah.
Get, even if that's like, the only thing that you do is like get a create React app set up, you know, and mm-hmm. Just be able to view that on your Yeah. On your browser. That's like a great first step, you know? Okay.
Jake Pacheco: Cool. So get that
Seth Whiting: and get Firebase. I'd assume you don't necessarily need Firebase White yet.
Like, I would say do the Create React app thing. Let me know when you're. When you've done that, just like text me whenever. Yeah. Yeah. And then maybe even just like use like dummy data for now where like you just like write out like hard code all of like the lizards and, and reptiles and stuff. You know, just like, yeah.
You don't need to feed them in from anywhere, from, from a database or from, from Firebase or anything. Just like, yeah. Write out the actual names into a table. Yeah. You know? Okay. All righty. And then, so then we can replace them later with, with like, stuff from a database. Okay.
Jake Pacheco: Sweet. Sounds good. Cool. So yeah, I'll get, I'll get that set up and stuff.
And we'll, I, I'll probably text you in between, but we'll definitely be talking next week anyways.
Seth Whiting: Sweet. All right. All righty. We'll next step of the journey.
Jake Pacheco: Next step of the journey. Just keep on
Seth Whiting: swimming, right? Keep swimming, but yeah. That's
Jake Pacheco: exciting. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, we appreciate everyone listening
Seth Whiting: if anyone's listening.
Jake Pacheco: And no, we appreciate everyone listening,
Seth Whiting: Confidence and
Jake Pacheco: and thank you as always, Seth. I appreciate it. Yeah. You, everyone have a good week.
Seth Whiting: Yes. Keep doing and we'll see you next time.